9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Meeco Industrial Services

meeco Industrial Services GmbH was established as part of The meeco Group in 2016. Our team of skilled and technically versed climbers, however, has more than 15 years of experience in industrial climbing at a national as well as international level. After a long-standing and successful partnership with The meeco Group, we have now become part of this global network and benefit from the international focus and the strong technical know-how.

Why choose us

Innovative and individual, with customized access solutions, we perform height work professionally and cost-effectively.



Our team of trained and skilled climbers already has over 15 years of experience in industrial climbing – both nationally and internationally. 


For work at great heights or in inaccessible places, we offer fast, flexible and individual solutions, tailored to your needs.


Our FISAT and IRATA qualified and experienced climbers accomplish assembly, repair and safety works up to cleaning and documentation orders according to the highest safety standards to execute your projects professionally and effectively.


We offer a comprehensive service from consulting, financial planning, project management, implementation, operation and maintenance to monitoring of your renewable energy system.

Why choose us

Innovative and individual, with customized access solutions, we perform height work professionally and cost-effectively.



Our team of trained and skilled climbers already has over 15 years of experience in industrial climbing – both nationally and internationally. 


For work at great heights or in inaccessible places, we offer fast, flexible and individual solutions, tailored to your needs.


Our FISAT and IRATA qualified and experienced climbers accomplish assembly, repair and safety works up to cleaning and documentation orders according to the highest safety standards to execute your projects professionally and effectively.


We offer a comprehensive service from consulting, financial planning, project management, implementation, operation and maintenance to monitoring of your renewable energy system.

What We Offer

When it comes to working on structures, safety comes first.

When it comes to securing facades, time is an important factor.

Working at great heights or in inaccessible places requires flexible and individual solutions.

If minor damage, such as woodpecker holes, stone chips or defective joints, is left to its own devices, it not only reduces the value of a building, but can also spread.

The cleaning of large facades, glass windows, gutters or industrial plants often requires an individual approach.

The installation of advertising banners and neon signs at great heights is one of the specialties of our industrial climbers.

Our Case Studies

Any Questions About How meeco Industrial Services help you


Mr. Carlos Benitez

I am writing this recommendation letter for the Renewable Energy Products & Services of PV Energy Caribbean Limited. I have been using their products for the past 3 years and have been a very satisfied customer. They offer the most competitive rates and have excellent Customer Service.

Paul Ashe
Private House Owner

“Overall I am very pleased with the service of PV Energy as well as the installation and performance of the system. The Whole experience has been trouble-free.”

Our Clients

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    Bergisch Gladbacher Str. 1085 | Gebäude 27,
    51069 Köln, Deutschland

    Phone: +49 (0) 221 3466 7660